Students hold sit-in against campus carry at Georgia State Capitol

Photo: Kevin Sanchez Farez

The Students of the University System of Georgia led a sit-in at the Georgia State Capitol to demand a repeal on HB280, also known as the campus carry.

The bill allows students 21 or older to carry a firearm at Georgia public universities or colleges if they have a Georgia weapons license.

Georgia State students led the demonstration and gathered students from other universities across the state. Junior Audrey Maloof, an organizer of the sit-in, said they are making a statement to lawmakers.

“Today we are out here advocating for our lives in school. We are trying to call for a repeal of campus carry. We’re here sitting out here to show Georgia lawmakers that we’re here to mobilize. We’ll be at the polls in 2018 and we’ll be back here for the legislative session in 2019”  Maloof said.

The day before, organizers held a “Poster Making Party” to prepare for the sit-in.

Note: This story was written for PRN, the student-led news station at Georgia State University.

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