Student drafts university-wide resolution to SGA

A Georgia State University student has submitted a University-Wide Opinion Resolution to Student Government Association President Jazmin Mejia.

The resolution draft written by Danny Mai, a former SGA senator, calls for the university to close all campuses and switch classes online.

“As previously stated, in light of the COVID-19 epidemic, it has come to my attention that the student populace has grown cautious and uneasy. As such, I am writing to you today to propose a resolution that will affect the student body,” Mai said in a statement.

Now, Mai says he is working to lobby senators to sponsor the resolution.

Mai says he expects to have a finalized version tonight or tomorrow. The finalized version will also mention how stigma, “plays a risk for both the Asian community and international community,” Mai says.

A petition started by a student to close Georgia State’s campus and move class online has now reached over 11,000 signatures.

Note: This story was written for PRN, the student-led news station at Georgia State University.

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