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Petition to close Georgia State amasses thousands of signatures

A student-led petition calls on Georgia State University to close campuses and move classes online garners thousands of signatures. Georgia…
Graphic: Kevin Sanchez Farez

student-led petition calls on Georgia State University to close campuses and move classes online garners thousands of signatures.

Georgia State student Jason Kusmierz addresses the petition to Mark Becker, president of Georgia State University, and the Office of Emergency Management.

“Keeping the school open is reckless and is bound to spread the virus unnecessarily. Classes can be offered online and should be for our safety,” Kusmierz writes in the petition.

One student, who signed the petition, writes, “I’m signing because are they really waiting for someone on campus to catch the virus before taking action?”

Kusmierz says the rapid growth of the petition comes from a common concern students have at the university.

“I think the quick response from students is due to the desire for safety and acknowledgment of how vulnerable the students are when they are on campus,” Kusmierz tells PRN. “GSU has a large population of commuters coming from all around the state and coming together at campus, so their worries and safety precautions are justified.”

Last week, Georgia State University announced it’s Public Health Preparedness Task Force against COVID-19.

Wendy Hensel, provost of the university, told university faculty they must prepare to teach classes online if the university needs to close temporarily.

Note: This story was written for PRN, the student-led news station at Georgia State University.

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