‘Watchmen’ comes to life in new trailer

Georgia filmed series ‘Watchmen’ releases full-length trailer at Comic-Con
Photo: 11Alive

The first, full-length trailer for ‘Watchmen,’ the upcoming HBO series filmed in Georgia, debuted at the 2019 Comic-Con in San Diego.

Based on the 1980s comic book series, the story is set in Tulsa, Oklahoma where ‘costumed heroes’ are seen as outlaws. The series is written and also reimagined by Damon Lindelof.

Regina King plays Angela Abar and is one of the first notable faces introduced. She tells her daughter that despite the world’s pretty colors, it is still black and white.

A famous line from the character Rorschach in the comic book is referenced in the next scene, “soon thou shall save us. And we will whisper, tock.”

Several groups are then seen wearing masks. And later in the trailer, a man later tells a young girl that people who wear masks are dangerous and are hiding something.

Photos of the production were revealed last November on a Facebook group called Watchmen Brasil. A fictional newspaper called ‘The Tulsa Sun,’ police cars and even a New York Times front page were among the props spotted in Decatur.

But the series does not follow the same storyline of the fan-favorite. In May of last year, Lindelof wrote on Instagram that the series would not be a ‘direct adaptation’ of the comic book series. 

“Those issues are sacred ground and they will not be retread nor recreated not reproduced nor rebooted. They will, however be remixed,” Lindelof said.

The series is dubbed for an October release this year on HBO.

Note: This story was written for 11Alive’s The A-Scene, NBC Atlanta’s premier source for film and entertainment news in Georgia.

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