Young Democrats of GSU host debate watch party

Photo: Kevin Sanchez Farez

Just a few weeks away from Georgia’s Midterm election, gubernatorial candidates go head-to-head at the Loudermilk Young Debate Series. The Young Democrats of Georgia State University get in on the action by hosting a debate watch party.

Moments of surprise, concern, and relief filled the faces of young voters like Freshman Danae Roache as she turns her attention to a debate monitored across the country. For Roache, education is a priority.

“I’m an early childhood education major, and I’m so happy that she pushed for early childhood education. And I know Brian Kemp did say the funding for teachers because he wanted that good vote of everything ‘cause everything else he said is BS, but yes that really, really got me,” Roache said.

Senior Ebony Carter, an organizer of the watch party, says the debate was a hopeful look into the election results.

“The debate went the way I thought it would. And I think that this election may turn America around for the better,” Carter said.

Among the faces of new voters is Charles Leng, a freshman, who doesn’t agree with Kemp’s platform.

“It’s just a lie that they’re using to try to justify their efforts to try and throw people off the rolls to basically try to steal this election from the candidate that is obviously more qualified, more experienced, and has a better vision for Georgia, Stacey Abrams,” Leng said.

What surprised many like Leng, is that there is a third party candidate on the ballots also running to be governor.

“I think that the libertarian candidate really likes weed, he’s really passionate about that,” Leng said.

Note: This article was written for PRN, the student-led news station at Georgia State University.

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